Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Loophole...

Lokesh: Boss, there's got to be a loophole...

God: Huh! Where?

Lokesh: In the Karmic Guidebook of the Final Accounting. 

God: Sure the popular opinion on you is that you are obnoxious, yet you don't have to prove it right by constantly being silliness personified. Tell me, how in The Universe can anyone ever outmanoeuvre ME?

Lokesh: I don't know how, I really don’t. But all around me I see several, in fact most of the self-proclaimed wise, incessantly seeking and ceaselessly procuring assets, fame, money, property. So believe you me, maybe there is a sly route functioning without your knowledge that from where all which has been accumulated in the earthen sphere is getting smuggled out of this world...

God: Are you on dope?

Lokesh: Nah, you know I don't do drugs, and the high is only because of your grace. But I am giving you an insider dope, I comprehend that you are omnipresent yet believe you me, maybe without your explicit consent there is an escape route which has escaped your scrutiny. I mean if not all of the billions amassed, certainly a percentage of wealth from this mass, say 1%, must be getting transferred with the accumulator in the final journey...

God: Don't be nonsensical. Not even an iota goes along with you when you die. Humans have misconstrued wealth as paper money, or silver, or gold, but it is an absolute false notion. The actual riches are those that I sent along with your soul to this earth. Were you able to lay bare your soul and make those riches grow? Forget about flaunting your materialistic possessions; were you able to illuminate someone’s darkness with your light? Health is the real wealth, were you able to stay fit, be it emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually? The only riches you take along is the amount of good you did for others, not the amount of balance you left in your domestic and overseas bank accounts. All that The Universe is interested in is your intent and deeds, not how much money you made. We settle the Karmic balance-sheet and not the Karmic balance-shit.

Lokesh: OK, so you say no to banks, and I get it, but what about the land-banks? Surely you are bound to offer me a better accommodation up in the Cosmos if I die with more properties in my name. 

God: Ha Ha... Whoa… I am bound to offer... Hahahaha... So apparently you have forgotten that I am boundless...

Lokesh: Oops, sincerest apologies my Lord. Please forgive me for all those times that knowingly or unknowingly I erroneously have undermined your authority. One last question though, what is your frame on fame? I mean is there a VIP or a VVIP treatment reserved for those who are popular than someone like me who's merely a signpost without a PR?

God: LMUO (for the uninitiated, LMUO is an acronym for Laughing My Universe Off). Son, this isn’t a TV channel and I didn’t design you to play a trivial part in some retrograding regressive afternoon soap opera. The Universe is not bothered by your popularity or the lack of it. Only your honesty or lack of it is a bother for the Cosmos. If you have the balls to be and stay real without falling into the traps of sycophancy, Universe will accept it as highest score on popularity. 

Lokesh: Alright!

God: Now wake up, will you? It’s morning already.

Lokesh: I am absolutely awake, thanks for the awakening.