ABC: I had a wonderful dream last night. You and I were at the race course and I betted all my money on horse number 10 and it won.
XYZ: I had an awful nightmare last night. You and I were at the race course and I too betted all my money on horse number 10.
ABC: Eh! So how was it a nightmare?
XYZ: Because in my dream, horse number 01 was the winner.
The anecdote mentioned above is faker than me, yet it is truly probable even if not probably true.
One man’s dream can be another man’s nightmare. What makes one person happy may make someone else sad. One man’s food is another man’s poison.
Do you get the drift…?
It is important to follow dreams but the sole condition to it is that the dreams must be your own.
As I walk towards my 40th birthday, having lived my share of life with its fair bit of joys and sorrows, been with and interacted with people of different religions and diverse upbringing, I understand that even changes in the circumstances don't necessarily change the basic personality traits of any individual. You are unique, just like everybody else. You, me or anyone else, we all are born with a defined set of that will in all probability stay with us for as long as we are alive. Of course we all change when an awakening, a change happens from within, but even then our basic personality traits stay consistent; that doesn't change. Thus do not try to fit into someone else's vision of who you are supposed to be. That can easily lead to disaster. Look within to discover your innermost thoughts. Nudge, poke, prod and search your inner self.
Surely you may find opposition to those beliefs, don’t even for a moment expect an easy road to your ideas, and your way of approaching life, but the soonest you realize that it is your own path and not someone else, you won’t be bothered. When someone says “You can’t”, they actually mean “I can’t”. Realize that a critic is a man who may or may not know the path but is surely unwilling to go that path and that is the only reason for discouragement. The frog in the well does not know the ocean. Someone living inside the box and not knowing the outside is never the one who will advise you to think as if there is no box.
And eventually when you come to terms with who you are and realize what you want, then only two questions remain to be answered…
1. Can You Afford to Follow Your Dreams?
2. Can You Afford NOT to?
Try and fail, but don't fail to try.
Good luck and God bless…
Disclaimer: My dreams are my dreams. And my nightmares are my nightmares. Please neither be influenced by my dreams nor be scared by my nightmares. I sing my song because I have an urge to sing. And just because you may identify with some of the sound notes, please DO NOT assume/believe/think that it is some song that you too have to sing along. You have your song within you, find it, sing it aloud, and dance to your own and not to someone else’s music.
I know where I'm going and why I'm going. I'm already focused on that special place where I find my peace and solitude. But that is my journey, my path. Do not follow me as I follow my bliss, please find and follow your own paradise. I have an altogether different outlook on life which may not resemble even an iota of your perspective, and how you approach life. Just as coffee isn’t my cup of tea, similarly my objective can be at complete loggerheads with what you want in life. And like any other individual only you can decide best for yourself. Pursuing dreams is something I believe in, even when it means taking a hit. For me the journey itself is the reward, the journey itself is the thrill, winning and losing is just incidental.
There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win.
~ Elie Wiesel~
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
~Steve Jobs~