OK, let's get this straight...
Persistence pays, but persistence sans common sense takes you nowhere... It is more bane than boon...
Lemme explain... If it is your dream to someday make world's best cup of tea, and in pursuit of that, day in and day out you continuously experiment with the amount of water, tea leaves and flavors, so as to develop the right formulation, I'd say that you are right on course, keep up the hard work and one day it will reap the result that will satisfy you...
But if you have coffee beans instead of the tea leaves and yet you believe by continuously experimenting with the quantity, your persistence will pay off in creating the formulation of world's best tea, then my friend your persistence is actually leading you to nowhere...
Not doubting your skills but to make a cup of tea, world's best or not, you need tea leaves and not coffee beans...
Hereby I raise a toast, may you have an undiluted common sense and an unending persistence, and may you create worlds finest cup of tea...
Good luck and God bless...