Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Journey...


Wow… So you are heading to Goa… Rocking… Have a joyously safe journey.
Hope you are taking everything that you would need… Woollens, Jackets, Gloves, and lest I forget Brandy to keep you warm!

Wait a second, do you suspect it is weird to take warm clothing to Goa; it is not as if you are heading to Ladakh? Shouldn’t it be cotton casuals, swimwear, and sun-screen etcetera?

Oops, seems just alike the way I live life, I forgot to hold my horses and have rushed through.

I am sorry, my bad.

(BTW, I am sorry and my bad are similar in nature unless you say it one instead of the other at someone’s funeral. However this is the frivolous part, better to stick to the main story.)


Wow… So you are heading to Goa… Rocking… Have a joyously safe journey.
Hope you are taking everything that you would need… shorts, tees, swimwear et all?

Now it makes sense, does it? It isn’t as if the woollens are in any way less or more important than the casual summer wear but that it is not what one needs on the beaches.

OK, now to the next level but this time let me start with the basics.

A for Apple, B for Boy…


Just as you primarily need shorts, tees, swimwear instead of the woollen jackets to Goa, and vice versa in Ladakh for that matter, similarly you need to identify the purpose of your soul, why you are here on earth, where are you going, and what is of the optimum need of the soul in its journey. Understand that you are a soul with a body and not a body with a soul; and the soul is here on a journey or a lifetime if you may please, which is a part of several journeys that you make within your karmic itinerary or blueprint, designed by The Almighty, The Creator, The God, and The Universe.

Your soul, like all other souls, is different from the others. It is unique in every way just as its creator intended it to be. It has its own divine purpose to be on earth. And your soul, like all other souls, has a different life path, travelling here to learn what it couldn’t in some previous lifetime. The soul travels again and again, until it make amends, grows, and is ready to reach the next level. And though the soul travels alone, yet the soul is never alone. Surrounded by the borrowers/lenders of its karmic balance sheet, the soul repeatedly meets its other counterparts in all the lifetimes, giving and taking, guiding and be guided, learning and teaching, until the karmic account is balanced and outstanding is settled to nil. And once the karmic account is settled, some souls move to the next level and some others who still have business pending with other must stay on. But because each soul has been assigned a different role, different purpose, different lessons, and there’s only as much as you can take along so it is imperative to take along whatever makes your journey comfortable and complete.

The lessons that soul needs to learn are easy to know. At every bend of life, all that you learn is a part of that entire of what The Almighty wants you to learn.

The challenges for soul, its amends, and thereby the growth are relatively easy to identify too as whatever is your weakness, you have to overcome that. Whether it is anger, or jealously, or greed for money, or lust for power, or whatever it may be, that is what is chaining your soul in the karmic cycle and you need to overcome it in order to grow. If the soul remained fearful in its previous lifetime or is meek this life, the resolve should be to turn bold and fearless. If the soul is abusive, the requisite change is to become gentle and polite. And so on. Hope you get the drift.

But here comes the difficult part.

To identify the life purpose, how to go about it, what to take along and what to let go.

This is where your intuitiveness plays a major role. The signs and the dreams that repeat time and again. Listen to what your gut tells you. Pay attention to your hearts calling. See but have a vision too.

Once you sort this, you are ready for the next level. Good luck.


Suppose the airline misplaced your bag, and that what was yours to begin with landed up in an alien land because of an error whilst tagging. And believing it is forever going to be untraceable, you made peace and moved on with your journey. However one day by the stroke of luck, the bag is found, and you can identify that it belongs to you. If you get an opportunity, go ahead and claim it. Obviously the paperwork is extensive but if it is worth the gain, then surely it is worth the pain.

(P.S.: Replace airline with destiny and bag with soul-mate in the above and read again.)

And lest I forget, have a happy journey. 

God bless.